Technical Documentation


This technical documentation provides an overview of the FlexiArt web application, an enterprise-level software company website. The application is built using Angular 15 for the frontend and Node.js with Express.js for the backend. It includes various features such as user authentication, live chat support, AI chatbot integration, two-step verification, manual backups, and MongoDB database integration. The frontend is hosted on Netlify, while the backend is hosted on Render, with a MongoDB Atlas cluster for the database.


Framework and Dependencies

  • Angular 15 is used for building the frontend of the application.
  • The application relies on several Angular packages for features such as animations, forms, routing, material design, and more.
  • Third-party libraries such as Font Awesome, ngx-cookie-service, ng-image-slider, and ng-particles are integrated to enhance the user experience.


The application employs Angular's routing mechanism to create different pages for various sections. -A routing module defines the paths and corresponding components for each page. -The routing structure includes pages for home, about, services, works, technologies, contact, FAQ, blog, user dashboard, login, administration, chatbot, and more.

User Interaction

  • The frontend offers a variety of user interaction components, including image sliders, star ratings, chatbots, and more.
  • It utilizes Angular's reactive forms for handling user inputs and form submissions.


  • The frontend is hosted on Netlify and connected to a GoDaddy domain.


Framework and dependencies

  • The backend is developed using Node.js with Express.js, providing a RESTful API for the frontend to communicate with.
  • Key dependencies include Express, Mongoose for MongoDB interaction, body-parser for parsing request bodies, cors for enabling cross-origin requests, and jsonwebtoken for user authentication.

API Endpoints

  • The backend defines various API endpoints to handle user registration, contact requests, dialog flow interactions, feedback submission, gallery management, offers, subscriptions, email sending, and more.
  • Each API endpoint corresponds to a specific route and functionality.


  • The application implements user authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for securing API endpoints.
  • Two-step verification is integrated using the speakeasy library, allowing users to enable two-factor authentication through an authenticator app.
  • The backend utilizes bcrypt for hashing sensitive data such as passwords.


  • Manual backups of the application's data are supported using the mongodb-backup library.
  • A backup route is defined to trigger data backups when needed.


  • A sitemap generation feature is included to enhance search engine optimization (SEO).
  • The application generates an XML sitemap using the sitemap package to list URLs and their changefrequency and priority.


  • The backend is hosted on Render, providing a platform for deploying and managing Node.js applications.


  • The application's data is stored in a MongoDB database.
  • A MongoDB Atlas cluster is used to manage the database, offering scalability and data redundancy.
  • Mongoose is employed as an Object Data Modeling (ODM) library to interact with the MongoDB database.


  • The frontend is deployed on Netlify, connecting to a GoDaddy domain for accessibility.
  • The backend is deployed on Render, providing a scalable environment for the Node.js application.

Additional Features

  • The application includes live chat support using Tawk when agents are online and an AI chatbot for handling inquiries when agents are unavailable.
  • Email addresses, login details, and live chat data are stored using cookies.
  • The backend manages email sending, including features such as sending email templates and newsletters.


This technical documentation provides an overview of the FlexiArt web application, detailing its architecture, frontend and backend technologies, features, deployment, and more. It serves as a guide for understanding the application's structure and functionality, aiding in maintenance, updates, and further development. If you have any further questions or need more specific information, please don't hesitate to ask.

Contact : Kavindu Kokila

Database Schema Documentation

This documentation outlines the database schema used in the FlexiArt web application. The application relies on MongoDB for data storage and retrieval. Here are the database schema models and their respective fields:

Contact Schema

Model Name: Contact

Description: Represents user contact form submissions.

Field Name Data Type Required Description
fullName String Yes Full name of the user
email String Yes User's email address
msg String Yes Message from the user

Dialogflow Schema

Model Name: Not stored in the database

Description: Handles interactions with the Dialogflow bot.

Field Name Data Type Required Description
sessionId String No Unique session identifier
runIntent Function Yes Sends queries to Dialogflow

Feedback Schema

Model Name: Feedbacks

Description: Represents user contact form submissions.

Field Name Data Type Required Description
fullName String Yes Full name of the user
msg String Yes Feedback message
date Date Yes Date of feedback submission

Gallery Schema

Model Name: Gallery

Description: Represents images in the gallery.

Field Name Data Type Required Description
src String Yes Image source path
thumb String Yes Thumbnail image source path
caption String Yes Image caption

Offers Schema

Model Name: Offers

Description: Represents available offers.

Field Name Data Type Required Description
src String Yes Image source path
date String Yes Date of the offer
id String Yes Offer identifier

Project Count Schema

Model Name: Project-Count

Description: Represents project, client, and solution counts.

Field Name Data Type Required Description
clients String Yes Number of clients
projects String Yes Number of projects
solutions String Yes Number of solutions

Register Schema

Model Name: Users

Description: Represents registered users.

Field Name Data Type Required Description
email String Yes User's email address
password String Yes User's password
fullname String Yes Full name of the user
phone String Yes User's phone number
address String Yes User's address
verified Boolean No Verification status

These schemas represent the data models used in the FlexiArt web application. Each schema defines the structure of its respective data type, including field names, data types, and whether the fields are required or not. This organized structure enables efficient data management and retrieval throughout the application's lifecycle.

For further details or queries related to the database schemas, feel free to contact us.

API Documentation


This API documentation provides detailed information about the APIs used in the FlexiArt web application. These APIs facilitate communication between the frontend and backend, enabling various functionalities such as user registration, contact requests, authentication, data retrieval, email sending, and more.

Base URL

The base URL for accessing the API endpoints is: <url>/api/v1/


The application uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for user authentication. To access protected endpoints, include the JWT token in the Authorization header using the Bearer scheme.

API Endpoints

User Registration

Endpoint: /api/v1/user/register

Method: POST

Description: Registers a new user account.

Request Body:

  "username": "exampleUser",
  "email": "",
  "password": "userPassword"

Response: Returns a success message if registration is successful.

User Login

Endpoint: /api/v1/user/login

Method: POST

Description: Logs in a registered user.

Request Body:

  "email": "",
  "password": "userPassword"

Response: Returns a JWT token upon successful login.

Contact Form Submission

Endpoint: /api/v1/flexiart/contact

Method: POST

Description: Handles user contact form submissions.

Request Body:

  "name": "John Doe",
  "email": "",
  "message": "Hello, FlexiArt team!"

Response: Returns a success message if the message is sent successfully.

Dialog Flow Interaction

Endpoint: /api/v1/dialogFlow

Method: POST

Description: Sends user messages to a Dialog Flow bot for processing.

Request Body:

  "message": "How can you help me?"

Response: Returns a response from the Dialog Flow bot.

Feedback Submission

Endpoint: /api/v1/feedback

Method: POST

Description: Allows users to submit feedback.

Request Body:

  "email": "",
  "feedback": "Great website!"

Response: Returns a success message if feedback is submitted successfully.

Gallery Management

Endpoint: /api/v1/gallery

Method: GET

Description: Retrieves a list of gallery items

Response: Returns a list of gallery items with details.

Offers Retrieval

Endpoint: /api/v1/offers

Method: GET

Description: Retrieves available offers.

Response: Returns a list of offers with details.

Subscription List Retrieval

Endpoint: /api/v1/subscribe

Method: GET

Description: Retrieves the list of subscribers.

Response: Returns a list of subscriber emails.

Email Sending

Endpoint: /api/v1/sendMail

Method: POST

Description: Sends emails for various purposes.

Request Body:

  "to": "",
  "subject": "Welcome to FlexiArt",
  "html": "<p>Welcome to FlexiArt. We're excited to have you on board!</p>"

Response: Returns a success message if the email is sent successfully.

Manual Backup

Endpoint: /api/v1/backup

Method: POST

Description: Triggers a manual backup of the application data.


This API documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the APIs used in the FlexiArt web application. Each API endpoint is described with its purpose, request structure, response format, and authentication requirements. Properly utilizing these APIs will enable the frontend and backend components of the application to work seamlessly together, providing users with a robust and feature-rich experience. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out.

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